First Post!

Hi Guys!

This is very exciting – my website is now up and running (though some bits still need tweaking) and I’m writing my first blog post. Well, Mum is typing it while I talk but that’s the same thing isn’t it?! I’m guessing some of you will be people from YouTube who perhaps know my videos, others from the Steam Community and maybe some who have found me by chance. I was thinking that I’d write on here a bit like a diary and tell you what’s been going on with me, mainly in my gaming world but sometimes other snippets too. Maybe once a week or so? It’s good to share!

XBox Game Pass & EA Play

A few weeks ago EA Play became available to access with an Xbox Game Pass. I had been waiting for this for soooo long!

BIG NEWS: EA Play is coming to PC via the EA Desktop app (beta) on December 15th!

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare

I realise that there are now gazillions of new games for me to look at that I have never seen before but I have tunnel vision and have been living on Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare! After trying to be a Chomper and Peashooter (fully love the Gatling Pea) I have decided I make for a better zombie! The engineer zombie is fun but nothing beats firing yourself into the air as a foot soldier zombie. But why do some types of game on Plants Vs Zombie Garden Warfare never load?! Do other players not want matches or have they just disappeared altogether?! Maybe I should stop being stubborn and actually load Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2. Is it better?! Why won’t I just install it for free and find out?! Who knows!


We attempted ‘Family Time’ the other day. Trying to make it sound appealing my Mum and Dad suggested we try a new game – well, new to us at least. Fe was the one of choice. Apparently in it you will ‘discover a world you will never want to leave’, ‘defeat the silent ones’ and the key thing: ‘communicate and speak to every living thing in the forest’. I even prepared for family time by reading a guide which clearly stated ‘sing to everything’. I have autism (some of you guys know this already) but it means I am very literal. What happened next was an hour of me deafening the family with a small whining creature! We have now concluded that you don’t sing to everything! Oh, and you follow the bird! You don’t wander off into the path of the silent ones, you don’t leap out at them when they are looking and you definitely do not get eaten by a fish. You follow the bird!

A Monster’s Expedition

If you have been watching my videos lately you will see that I’m still on A Monster’s Expedition. Puzzle games are awesome and there really aren’t enough of them. I’m finding snowmen at the minute. They are so hard to find! The best bit though is that your little monster character gets to hug each one he finds. In a time of Covid-19, when people are isolated and lonely, hugging a snowman is a pretty cool thing to do. I’m sending a virtual hug to anyone who needs it!

Catch up soon!